V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver support Road sign information - RSI*04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.153The speed applicable on anexit is indicated by means ofan additional sign containingan arrow. The arrow is dis-played under the symbolshowing the speed.Speed signs linked to this type of additionalsign are displayed only if the driver is using thedirection indicator.Limited distance or time of daySome speeds are applicableonly after a specific distanceor at a certain time of day. Thedriver's attention is drawn tothe situation by means of anempty frame under the sym-bol showing the speed.Setting in MY CAROptions in MY CAR.The instrument panel’s speed symbol displaycan be disabled. To deactivate the RSI func-tion:•Uncheck the option in MY CAR SettingsCar settings Road SignInformation and go back by pressingEXIT, see page 205.Speed warningThe driver can opt to receive a warning (SpeedAlert) when the applicable speed limit is excee-ded by 5 km/h or more. This warning is givenby the symbol showing the applicable maxi-mum speed temporarily flashing when thisspeed is exceeded.To activate speed warning:•Check speed warning in MY CARSettingsCar settings Speed alertand go back by pressing EXIT, seepage 205.LimitationsThe RSI function's camera sensor is limited -just like the human eye. Find out more aboutthis on page 179.Signs which indirectly provide information on aprevailing speed limit, e.g. name signs fortowns/districts, are not recorded by the RSIfunction.Here are several examples of what can disruptthe function:•Faded signs•Signs positioned on bends•Rotated or damaged signs•Concealed or poorly positioned signs.•Signs completely or partly covered withfrost, snow and/or dirt.
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