V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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04 Driver supportCruise control* 04154* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.General information on CCThe cruise control (CC – Cruise Control) helpsthe driver maintain an even speed, resulting ina more relaxed driving on motorways and long,straight roads in regular traffic flows.WARNINGThe driver must always be observant withregard to the traffic conditions and intervenewhen the cruise control is not maintaining asuitable speed and/or suitable distance.The driver always bears ultimate responsi-bility for ensuring that the vehicle is drivensafely.OperationG021411Steering wheel keypad and display.Cruise control - On/Off.Standby mode ceases and the storedspeed is resumed.Standby modeActivate and adjust the speed.Selected speed (in brackets = Standbymode).Activating and setting the speedTo enable cruise control:•Press the steering wheel button (1).>The symbol illuminates in the display (5)and the brackets around (---) km/h showthat cruise control is set in standby mode.To activate cruise control:•At the required speed - press the steeringwheel button or .> Current speed is stored in the memory - thedisplay text (---) km/h changes to showthe selected speed, e.g. 100 km/h , withoutbrackets.NOTECruise control cannot be engaged atspeeds below 30 km/h.Changing the speedTo change the stored speed:•Press briefly on the steering wheel button, or - most recent presses are storedin memory.A temporary increase in speed with the accel-erator pedal, e.g. during overtaking, does notaffect the cruise control setting - the car returnsto the set speed when the accelerator pedal isreleased.NOTEIf any of the Cruise Control buttons are helddown for more than approx. 1 minute, it isblocked and disabled. To be able to reacti-vate Cruise Control, the car must be stop-ped and the engine restarted.
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