V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver support Adaptive cruise control*04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.157WARNINGAdaptive cruise control is not a collisionavoidance system. The driver must inter-vene if the system does not detect a vehiclein front.The adaptive cruise control does not brakefor humans or animals, and not for smallvehicles such as bicycles and motorcycles.Nor for oncoming, slow or stationary vehi-cles and objects.Do not use the adaptive cruise control, forexample, in city traffic, in dense traffic, atjunctions, on slippery surfaces, with a lot ofwater or slush on the road, in heavy rain/snow, in poor visibility, on winding roads oron slip roads.The distance to the vehicle ahead is mainlymeasured by a radar sensor. Cruise controlregulates the speed with acceleration andbraking. It is normal for the brakes to emit a lowsound when they are being used by the Adap-tive cruise control.WARNINGThe brake pedal moves when the cruisecontrol brakes. Do not rest your foot underthe brake pedal as it could become trapped.The adaptive cruise control aims to follow thevehicle ahead in the same lane at a time intervalset by the driver. If the radar sensor cannot seeany vehicle in front then the car will insteadmaintain the cruise control's set speed. Thisalso happens if the speed of the vehicle in frontexceeds the cruise control's set speed.The adaptive cruise control aims to control thespeed in a smooth way. In situations thatdemand sudden braking the driver must brakehimself/herself. This applies with large differ-ences in speed, or if the vehicle in front brakesheavily. Due to limitations in the radar sensor,braking may come unexpectedly or not at all,see page 162.The adaptive cruise control can be activated tofollow another vehicle at speeds from30 km/h3 up to 200 km/h. If the speed fallsbelow 30 km/h or if the engine speed becomestoo low, the cruise control is set in standbymode at which automatic braking ceases - thedriver must then take over himself/herself tomaintain a safe distance to the vehicle ahead.Warning lamp - braking by driverrequiredAdaptive cruise control has a braking capacitythat is equivalent to more than 40% of the car'sbraking capacity.If the car needs to be braked more heavily thancruise control capacity and the driver does notbrake, then the cruise control uses the collisionwarning system's warning lamp and warningsound (see page 174) to alert the driver thatimmediate intervention is required.NOTEThe warning lamp may be difficult to noticein strong sunlight or when sunglasses arebeing worn.WARNINGCruise control only warns of vehiclesdetected by the radar sensor. Consequentlythere may be no warning or it may be sub-ject to a delay. Do not wait for a warning butbrake when it is necessary.Steep roads and/or heavy loadBear in mind that the adaptive cruise control isprimarily intended for use when driving on levelroad surfaces. It may have difficultly in keepingthe correct distance from the vehicle aheadwhen driving on steep roads, with a heavy loador with a trailer - in which case, be extra atten-tive and ready to slow down.3Queue Assistant (in cars with automatic gearbox) can operate in the range of 0-200 km/h, see page 160.
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