V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver supportAdaptive cruise control* 04158* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.OperationSteering wheel keypad and display.Standby mode ceases and the storedspeed is resumed.Cruise control - On/Off or Standby mode.Time interval - Increase/decrease.Activate and adjust the speed.Selected speed (in brackets = Standbymode).Time interval4 - On (during adjustment).Time interval - On (after adjustment).Activating and setting the speedTo set the Cruise control:•Press the steering wheel button -the symbol illuminates in the display.The display's symbol (---) shows that thecruise control is set in standby mode.To activate the Cruise control:•At the desired speed - press the steeringwheel button or .> The current speed is stored in the memory- the display's symbol (---) changes toshow the selected speed, e.g. 100 , withoutbrackets.When the symbol changesto the radar sensor hasdetected a vehicle.Only when the symbol (with car) is illuminated, is thedistance to the vehicle infront regulated by the cruise control.Changing the speedTo change the stored speed:•Adjust with short presses on or -every press gives +/- 5 km/h. The lastpresses made are stored in the memory.If speed is increased using the acceleratorpedal prior to pressing the / button,then it is the car's current speed when thebutton is pressed that is stored in thecruise control.•In active mode the button has the samefunction as but results in a lowerincrease in speed: + 1 km/h.NOTEIf any of the Cruise Control buttons are helddown for more than approx. 1 minute, it isblocked and disabled. To be able to reacti-vate Cruise Control, the car must be stop-ped and the engine restarted.In certain situations, cruise control cannotbe activated. Then the display showsCruise control Unavailable , seepage 164.4The display shows either "dash" symbol [6] or [7] - they are never shown simultaneously.
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