V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver supportDistance Warning* 04166* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.General1Distance Warning (Distance Alert) is a functionthat informs the driver about the time intervalto vehicles in front.Distance Warning is active at speeds above30 km/h and only reacts to vehicles driving infront of the car, in the same direction. No dis-tance information is provided for oncoming,slow or stationary vehicles.Orange warning lamp2.An orange warning lamp in the windscreen illu-minates with a constant glow if the distance tothe vehicle in front is shorter than the set timeinterval.NOTEDistance warning is deactivated during thetime the adaptive cruise control is active.WARNINGDistance warning only reacts if the distanceto the vehicle ahead is shorter than the pre-set value - the speed of the driver's vehicleis not affected.OperationPress the button in the centre console to switchthe function on or off. The function is switchedon if one lamp is illuminated in the button.Some combinations of the selected equipmentleave no vacant space for a button in the centreconsole - in which case the function is handledby the car's menu system MY CAR underSettingsCar settings Warningdistance. For a description of the menu sys-tem - see page 204.1Not available as an option for the 2.5T.2NOTE: The illustration is schematic - details may vary depending on car model.
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