V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver supportCity Safety™ 04170If the difference in speed between the vehiclesis greater than 15 km/h then City Safety™ maynot prevent the collision on its own. To obtainfull brake force, the driver must depress thebrake pedal. This could then make it possibleto prevent a collision, even at speed differen-ces above 15 km/h.When the function is activated and brakes, theinstrument panel display shows a message tothe effect that the function is/has been active.NOTEThe brake lights come on when CitySafety™ brakes the car.OperationNOTEThe City Safety™ function is always ena-bled after the engine has been started viakey position I and II (see page 78 on keypositions).On and OffIn certain situations, it may advisable to disableCity Safety™, e.g. where leafy branches couldsweep over the bonnet and/or windscreen.After starting the engine City Safety™ can bedeactivated as follows:•Using MY CAR on the centre console dis-play screen with its menu system, searchand locate SettingsCar settingsDriver support systems City Safety.Select the Off option. For more informationon the menu system MY CAR, seepage 204.However, the function will be enabled thenext time the engine is started, regardlessof whether the system was enabled or dis-abled when the engine was switched off.WARNINGThe laser sensor also transmits laser lightwhen City Safety™ is disabled manually.To enable City Safety™ again:•Follow the same procedure as for disa-bling, but select the On option.LimitationsThe sensor in City Safety™ is designed todetect cars and other large vehicles in front ofthe car irrespective of whether it is day or night.However, the sensor has limitations and haspoorer functionality - or none at all - in e.g.heavy snowfall or rain, dense fog, dust stormsor snow flurries. Mist, dirt, ice or snow on thewindscreen may disrupt the function.Low-hanging objects, e.g. a flag/pennant forprojecting load, or accessories such as auxili-ary lamps and bull bars that are higher than thebonnet limit the function.The laser light from the sensor in CitySafety™ measures how the light is reflected.The sensor cannot detect objects with lowreflection capacity. The rear sections of thevehicle generally reflect the light sufficientlythanks to the number plate and rear light reflec-tors.On slippery road surfaces the braking distanceis extended, which may reduce the capacity ofCity Safety™ to avoid a collision. In such sit-uations the ABS and DSTC systems will pro-vide best possible braking force with main-tained stability.When your own car is reversing, City Safety™is temporarily deactivated.City Safety™ is not activated at low speeds -under 4 km/h, which is why the system doesnot intervene in situations where a vehicle infront is being approached very slowly, e.g.when parking.Driver commands are always prioritised, whichis why City Safety™ does not intervene in sit-uations where the driver is steering or acceler-ating in a clear manner, even if a collision isunavoidable.
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