V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver supportCollision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian Protection* 04174* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.General1"Collision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedes-trian Detection" is an aid to assist the driverwhen there is a risk of colliding with a pedes-trian or vehicle in front that is stationary ormoving in the same direction.Collision Warning with Auto Brake & PedestrianDetection is activated in situations where thedriver should have started braking earlier,which is why it cannot help the driver in everysituation.Collision Warning with Auto Brake & PedestrianDetection is designed to be activated as late aspossible in order to avoid unnecessary inter-vention.Collision Warning with Auto Brake & PedestrianDetection may prevent a collision or reduce thecollision speed.Collision Warning with Auto Brake & PedestrianDetection must not be used as an excuse forthe driver to change his/her driving style. If thedriver solely relies on Collision Warning withAuto Brake to do the braking, there will be acollision sooner or later.Two system levelsDepending on how the car equipped, the Col-lision Warning with Auto Brake & PedestrianDetection function may appear in two variants:Level 1 and Level 2.Level 1The driver is merely warned of occurring obsta-cles by means of visual and acoustic signals -no automatic braking intervenes, the drivermust himself brake.Level 2The driver is warned of occurring obstacles bymeans of visual and acoustic signals - the caris braked automatically if the driver himselfdoes not act within a reasonable time.IMPORTANTMaintenance of components included inCollision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedes-trian Detection must only be carried out in aworkshop - an authorised Volvo workshopis recommended.FunctionFunction overview2.Audio-visual warning signal in the event ofa collision risk.Radar sensor3Camera sensorCollision Warning with Auto Brake executesthree steps in the following order:1.Collision warning2.Brake support33.Auto Brake31Not available as an option for the 2.5T.2NOTE: The illustration is schematic - details may vary depending on car model.3With system Level 2 only.
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