V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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04 Driver supportCollision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedestrian Protection* 04176* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Detection of pedestriansOptimal examples of what the system regards aspedestrians with clear body contours.Optimal performance of the system requiresthat the system function that detects pedes-trians receives as unambiguous information aspossible about the contours of the body - thisimplies the opportunity to identify the head,arms, shoulders, legs, upper and lower bodycombined with a normal human pattern ofmovement.If large parts of the body are not visible to thecamera then the system cannot detect apedestrian.•In order for a pedestrian to be detected he/she must appear full-length and have aheight of at least 80 cm.•The system cannot detect a pedestriancarrying larger items.•The camera sensor's ability to see pedes-trians at dusk and dawn is limited - just likethe human eye.•The camera sensor's capacity to detectpedestrians is deactivated when driving indarkness and tunnels - even when street-lights are lit.WARNINGCollision Warning with Auto Brake & Pedes-trian Detection is an assistance tool.This function cannot detect all pedestriansin all situations and it cannot see e.g. parti-ally obscured pedestrians, people in cloth-ing that hides the contours of the body orpedestrians shorter than 80 cm.•The driver is always responsible that thevehicle is driven properly and with asafety distance adapted to the speed.OperationSettings are made from MY CAR via the centreconsole display screen and menu system. Forinformation on how the menu system is used,see page 204.NOTEThe Brake Support and Auto Brake func-tions are always enabled - they cannot bedeactivated.On and OffTo select whether the collision warning systemshould be switched on or off:•Use the menu system MY CAR via thecentre console display to search forSettingsCar settings Driversupport systemsCollision Warning -there, select On or Off .An activated function is tested every time theengine is started by briefly illuminating the sep-arate lights for the warning lamp (no. [1] in theillustration on page 174).When starting the engine, the setting that wasselected when the engine was switched off isobtained automatically.
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