V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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04 Driver support Driver Alert System - DAC*04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.183General information on DACThe DAC (Driver Alert Control) function isintended to attract the driver's attention whenhe/she starts to drive less consistently, e.g. ifhe/she becomes distracted or starts to fallasleep.A camera detects the side markings painted onthe carriageway and compares the section ofthe road with the driver's steering wheel move-ments. The driver is alerted if the vehicle doesnot follow the carriageway evenly.NOTEThe camera sensor has certain limitations,see page 179.The objective for DAC is to detect slowly dete-riorating driving ability and it is primarilyintended for major roads. The function is notintended for city traffic.In some cases driving ability is not affecteddespite driver fatigue. In which case there maynot be any warning issued for the driver. Forthis reason it is always important to stop andtake a break in the event of any signs of driverfatigue, irrespective of whether or not DACissues a warning.NOTEThe function must not be used to extend adriving stint. Always plan breaks at regularintervals and ensure that you are fullyrested.LimitationIn some cases the system may issue a warningdespite driving ability not deteriorating, forexample:•if the driver tests the LDW function.•in strong side winds.•on rutted road surfaces.OperationSome settings are made from the centre con-sole display screen and its menu system. Forinformation on how the menu system is used,see page 204.The current status of Driver Alert can bechecked on the trip computer display with thethumbwheel on the left-hand stalk switch.Thumbwheel. Turn until the display showsDriverAlert . On the second row the optionsDriver Alert Standby <65 km/h , DriverAlertUnavailable or level mark can beshown.OK confirms or clears a warning in thememory.
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