V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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04 Driver support Park assist syst*04* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.189GeneralParking assistance is used as an aid to parking.An acoustic signal as well as symbols on thecentre console's display screen indicate thedistance to the detected obstacle.Parking assistance sound level can beadjusted during the ongoing acoustic signalusing the centre console's VOL knob or in thecar's menu system MY CAR - see page 204.Parking assistance is available in two variants:•Rear only•Both front and rear.NOTEWhen a towbar is configured with the car'selectrical system, the protrusion of the tow-bar is included when the function measuresthe parking space.WARNING•Parking assistance does not relinquishthe driver's own responsibility duringparking.•The sensors have blind spots whereobstacles cannot be detected.•Be aware of e.g. people or animals nearthe car.FunctionThe system is automatically activated when theengine is started - the switch's On/Off lamp isilluminated. If parking assistance is switchedoff with the button, the lamp goes out.Display screen view - showing an obstacle leftfront and right rear.The centre console's display screen shows anoverview of the relationship between the carand detected obstacle.Marked sectors show which of the four sen-sor(s) detected an obstacle. The closer to thecar symbol a selected sector box is, the shorterthe distance between the car and a detectedobstacle.The frequency of the signal increases theshorter the distance to an obstacle, in front ofor behind the car. Other sound from the audiosystem is muted automatically.When the distance is within 30 cm the tone isconstant and the active sensor's field nearestthe car is filled in. If the detected obstacle iswithin the distance for the constant tone both
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