V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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04 Driver supportPark assist camera* 04192* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.GeneralThe parking camera is an assist system and isactivated when reverse gear is engaged (canbe changed in the settings menu, seepage 204).The camera image is shown on the centre con-sole's screen.NOTEWhen a towbar is configured with the car'selectrical system, the protrusion of the tow-bar is included when the function measuresthe parking space.WARNING•The parking camera serves as an aid. Itdoes not relieve the driver of responsi-bility when reversing.•The camera has blind spots, whereobstacles cannot be detected.•Be aware of people and animals in thevicinity of the car.Function and operationCAM button location.The camera shows what is behind the car andif something appears from the sides.The camera shows a wide area behind the carand part of the bumper and any towbar.Objects on the screen may appear to tilt slightly- this is normal.NOTEObjects on the display screen may be closerto the car than they appear to be on thescreen.If another view is active the parking camerasystem takes over automatically and the cam-era image is displayed on the screen.When reverse gear is engaged two unbrokenlines are shown graphically which illustratewhere the car's rear wheels will roll with thecurrent steering wheel angle, this facilitatestight parking, reversing into tight spaces andfor hitching a trailer. The car’s approximateexternal dimensions are illustrated by means oftwo dashed lines. These help lines can beswitched off in the settings menu.If the car is also equipped with parking assis-tance sensors* then their information is dis-played graphically as coloured fields in order toillustrate the distance to detected obstacles,see page 189.The camera is active approx. 5 seconds afterreverse gear has been disengaged or until thecar's speed exceeds 10 km/h.Camera location next to the opening handle.
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