V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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01 SafetyAirbags 0120NOTEThe sensors react differently depending onthe course of the collision and whether ornot the seatbelts on the driver and passen-ger side are used.It is therefore possible that only one (ornone) of the airbags may inflate in a colli-sion. The airbag system senses the force ofthe collision on the car and adapts accord-ingly so that one or more airbags aredeployed.The capacity of the airbags is also adaptedto the collision force to which the vehicle issubjected.Airbag on the driver's sideThe car has an airbag to supplement the pro-tection afforded by the seatbelt on the driver'sside. It is folded up into the centre of the steer-ing wheel. The steering wheel is markedAIRBAG.WARNINGThe seatbelts and airbags interact. If a seat-belt is not used or is used incorrectly, thismay diminish the protection provided by theairbag in the event of a collision.Passenger airbagLocation of the front passenger airbag in a left-hand drive car.Location of the front passenger airbag in a right-hand drive car.The car has an airbag to supplement the pro-tection afforded by the seatbelt on the passen-ger side. It is folded up into a compartmentabove the glovebox. Its cover panel is markedAIRBAG.WARNINGThe seatbelts and airbags interact. If the beltis not used or is used incorrectly, this maydiminish the protection provided by the air-bag in the event of a collision.To minimise the risk of injury if the airbagdeploys, passengers must sit as upright aspossible with their feet on the floor andbacks against the backrest. Seatbelts mustbe secured.WARNINGDo not put objects in front of or above thedashboard where the passenger airbag islocated.
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