V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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06 Infotainment system Radio06251NewsThis function allows news broadcasts sentwithin a set station's RDS network to breakthrough. The NEWS symbol indicates that thefunction is active.–Activate/deactivate in FM mode under FMmenuNews settings News.News from selected station/all stationsThe radio can only interrupt for news from theselected station or all stations in the RDS net-work.–Go in FM mode to FM menuNewssettingsSet news favourite to change.Programme types – PTYThe PTY function can be used to select one ormore programme types, such as pop musicand serious classic. The PTY symbol indicatesthat the function is active. This function allowsprogramme types broadcast within a set sta-tion's RDS network to break through.1. Activate in FM mode by first selecting theprogramme types under FM menuAdvanced settings PTY settingsSelect PTY.2. Then the PTY function must be activatedunder FM menuAdvanced settingsPTY settings Receive trafficbulletins from other networks .An indicator is shown in the TV screen whenPTY is activated.Deactivation of the PTY function is performedin FM mode under FM menuAdvancedsettingsPTY settings Receive trafficbulletins from other networks . Selected pro-gramme types (PTY) are not reset.Resetting and removing PTY are performedunder FM menuAdvanced settingsPTY settings Select PTY Clear all.PTY searchThis function searches the entire wavelengthfor the selected programme type.1. In FM mode select one or more PTY underFM menuAdvanced settings PTYsettingsSelect PTY.2.Go to FM menuAdvanced settingsPTY settings Seek PTY.To finish searching, press EXIT.–To continue searching for another broad-cast of the selected programme types,press on or .Display of programme typeThe programme type of the current station canbe shown on the TV screen.–Activate/deactivate in FM mode under FMmenuAdvanced settings PTYsettingsShow PTY text.Radio text4Some RDS stations transmit information onprogramme content, artists, etc. This informa-tion can be shown on the TV screen.–Activate/deactivate in FM mode under FMmenuShow radio text.Automatic frequency update – AFThe function selects the strongest transmitterfor the set station. In order to find a strongtransmitter the function may, in exceptionalcases, need to search the entire FM wave-length.–Activate/deactivate in FM mode under FMmenuAdvanced settingsAlternative frequency .4Only cars with 7-inch screen
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