V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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06 Infotainment systemRadio 06252* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Regional radio programmes – REGThis function causes the radio to continue witha regional transmitter even if its signal strengthis low. The symbol REG shows that the func-tion is active.–Activate/deactivate in FM mode under FMmenuAdvanced settings REG.Resetting RDS functionsAll radio settings can be reset to the originalfactory settings.–The reset is carried out in FM mode underFM menuAdvanced settingsReset all FM settings .Volume control, programme typesThe interrupting programme types, e.g.NEWS or TP , are heard at the volume selectedfor each respective programme type. If the vol-ume level is adjusted during the programmeinterruption, the new level is saved until thenext programme interruption.Scan wavelengthThe function automatically searches for avail-able channels and takes into account any pro-gramme type filtering. When a station is found,it is played for approx. 10 seconds beforescanning is resumed. When a station is playingback it can be saved as a preset in the usualway, see the section Preset, page 249.–To start scanning go in FM/AM mode toFM menuScan or AM menu Scan.NOTEScanning stops if a station is saved.Radio system - DAB*GeneralDAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) is a digitalbroadcasting system for radio. This systemsupports DAB, DAB+ and DMB.NOTECoverage for DAB is not available in all loca-tions. If there is no coverage then the mes-sage No reception is shown in the displayscreen.Service and Ensemble•Service - Channel, radio channel (onlyaudio services are supported by the sys-tem).•Ensemble - A collection of radio channelson the same frequency.Storing channel groups (Ensemble learn)When the vehicle is moved to a new broad-casting area, programming of existing channelgroups in the area may be necessary.Programming of channel groups creates anupdated list of all available channel groups.The list is not updated automatically.Programming is carried out in the menu systemin DAB mode under DAB menuEnsemblelearn. Programming can also take place as fol-lows:1.Turn TUNE one step in either direction.>Ensemble learn is shown in the list ofavailable channel groups.2.Press OK/MENU.> New programming is started.Programming can be cancelled with EXIT.Navigation in channel group list(Ensemble)To navigate in and access the channel grouplist turn TUNE. The name of the Ensemble isshown in the upper part of the TV screen. Whenswitching to the new Ensemble the namechanges to the new one.•Service - Shows channels irrespective ofthe channel group to which they are allo-cated. The list can also be filtered using theselection of programme type (PTYfiltering), see below.
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