V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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06 Infotainment system Bluetoothµ handsfree*06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.265GeneralA mobile phone equipped with Bluetoothµ canbe connected wirelessly to the Infotainmentsystem1. The infotainment system then workshandsfree, with the option to control a range ofthe mobile phone's functions remotely. Themicrophone used is located by the driver's sunvisor (2). The mobile phone can be operated byits own keys irrespective of whether or not it isconnected.NOTEOnly a selection of mobile phones are fullycompatible with the handsfree function.Volvo recommends that you seek assis-tance from an authorised Volvo dealer orvisit www.volvocars.com for information oncompatible phones.MenusThe menus in TEL are controlled from the cen-tre console and the steering wheel keypad*.For general information on menu navigation,see page 240 and menu overview, seepage 244.OverviewSystem overviewMobile phoneMicrophoneSteering wheel keypadCentre console control panelPhone functions, controls overviewCentre console control panel.Number and letter buttonsTEL button activates/searches last con-nected phone. If a phone is already con-nected, and TEL is pressed, a shortcutmenu is shown with commonly used menuoptions for the phone.TUNE - Turn in normal view to the right toaccess the phone book, and to the left forthe call register for all calls; also used fornavigation among the options on the TVscreen.1Applies to High Performance, High Performance Multimedia and Premium Sound Multimedia.
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