V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
06 Infotainment systemBluetoothµ handsfree* 06272* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.1.When the Name row is selected, pressOK/MENU to reach the input mode (illus-tration above).2.Turn4 TUNE to the desired letter, pressOK/MENU to confirm. The number andletter buttons on the control panel in thecentre console can also be used.3. Continue with the next letter and so on. Thename entered is shown in the input field (2)in the TV screen.4. To change the input mode to numbers,special characters, change betweenuppercase/lowercase letters, etc., turnTUNE to one of the options (see explana-tion in the table below) in the list (1) andthen press OK/MENU.When the name has been fully entered, selectOK in the list on the TV screen (1) and pressOK/MENU. Now continue with the telephonenumber in the same way as above.When the telephone number has been entered,press OK/MENU and select a telephone num-ber type (Mobile phone , Home , Work orGeneral ). Press OK/MENU to confirm.When all details have been filled in, select Savecontact in the menu to save the contact.123 /ABCChange between letters andnumbers with OK/MENU.MoreChange to special characterswith OK/MENU.OK Save and go back to Add con-tact with OK/MENU.Change between uppercase andlowercase letters with OK/MENU.Press OK/MENU, the cursormoves to the input field (2) at thetop of the TV screen. The cursorcan now be moved, with TUNE,to the appropriate place to e.g.insert new letters or delete withEXIT. To be able to insert newletters first go back to the inputmode, by pressing OK/MENU.Speed dial numbersUse phone mode to add speed dial numbersunder Phone menuPhone book Speeddial.Dialling with speed dial numbers can be per-formed in phone mode using the number keyson the keypad in the centre console, by press-ing a number key and then pressing OK/MENU. If there is no contact stored on thespeed dial number then an option is shown tosave a contact to the selected speed dial num-ber.Receiving a vCardIt is possible to receive a vCard to the car'sphone book from other mobile phones (otherthan the one currently connected to the car). Inorder to allow this the car is set to visible modefor Bluetoothµ. The function is activated inphone mode under Phone menuPhonebookReceive vCard.Memory statusMemory status of the car's phone book and theconnected mobile phone's phone book can beseen in phone mode under Phone menuPhone book Memory status.Delete phone bookThe car's phone book can be deleted, this iscarried out in phone mode under Phone menuPhone book Clear phone book .4Only applies to High Performance Multimedia and Premium Sound Multimedia.
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