V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
06 Infotainment systemRemote control* 06282* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.General*Corresponds to TUNE in the centre con-sole.The remote control can be used for all func-tions in the infotainment system. The remotecontrol's buttons have the same functions asthe buttons in the centre console or steeringwheel keypad*.When using the remote control, first press theremote control's button to position F.Then aim the remote control at the IR receiver,which is located to the right of the INFO button(see page 237) in the centre console.If the car is fitted with rear TV screens* and youwant to operate one of these, select therequired TV screen with the button on theremote control. Then aim the remote control atthe IR receiver for the TV screen to be oper-ated, see page 284.WARNINGKeep loose objects such as mobile phones,cameras, remote controls for accessories,etc. in the glove compartment or other com-partments. Otherwise they may injure peo-ple in the car in the event of sudden brakingor a collision.NOTEDo not expose the remote control to directsunlight (e.g. on the instrument panel) - oth-erwise problems may arise with the batter-ies.functionsKey FunctionChange between:L = Rear left TV screen*F = Front TV screenR = Rear right TV screen*Change to navigation*Change to radio source ( AM ,FM1 etc.)Change to media source ( Disc ,TV * etc.)Change to Bluetoothµ hands-free*Scroll/fast rewind, change track/song.Play/pauseStopScroll/fast forward, changetrack/song.Menu
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