V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
06 Infotainment system RSE - Rear Seat Entertainment system*06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.291RSE settingsMuteDisplay offDisable remote control (front)TV parental controlReset all RSE settingsPop-up menu RSE5Press on the remote control when avideo file is being played back or the TV* isbeing displayed in order to access the pop-upmenu. Menu selections are made using thescroll wheel and the buttons on the remotecontrol. For information on the remote control,see page 282.Screen formatImage settingsDay/Night modeSource menu6DVD disc menu7RSE menus rear TV screensPress on the remote control when asource (e.g. Disc ) is selected in order to accessthe RSE menus for the rear TV screen.Menu selections are made using the scrollwheel and the buttons on the remote control.For information on the remote control, seepage 282.RADIOMenu valid for AM , FM1 , FM2 , DAB1 * andDAB2 *:Day/Night modeDisplay offReset all RSE settingsMEDIARSE CD Audio menuDisc menuRandomDay/Night modeDisplay offReset disc settingsRSE CD/DVD Data menuDisc menuRandomRepeat folderDivX® VOD codeDay/Night modeDisplay offReset disc settingsRSE DVD Video menuDVD Video MenuDVD disc menuSubtitlesAudio tracksAdvanced settingsDay/Night modeDisplay offReset disc settings5Only applies when playing back videos or displaying TV*.6What is shown in the pop-up menu for the source menu depends on what is being played back or displayed, it can be e.g. CD/DVD d ata menu or USB menu.7Only applies to DVD video discs.
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