V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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01 Safety When the systems deploy0129When the systems deploySystem TriggeredSeatbelt tensioner,front seatIn the event of afrontal collision,and/or side-impactcollision, and/orrear-end collisionand/or overturningSeatbelt tensioner,rear seatIn a frontal collisionand/or side-impactaccident and/oroverturningAirbags (SRS)In a frontal collisionASide airbags (SIPS) In a side-impactaccidentAInflatable Curtain IC In the event of aside-impact colli-sion and/or certainfrontal collisionsAWhiplash protectionWHIPSIn a rear-end colli-sionAThe bodywork of the car could be greatly deformed in a col-lision without airbag deployment. A number of factors suchas the rigidity and weight of the object hit, the speed of thecar, the angle of the collision etc. affects how the differentsafety systems of the car are activated.If the airbags have deployed, the following isrecommended:•Recovering the car. Volvo recommendsthat you have it conveyed to an authorisedVolvo workshop. Do not drive withdeployed airbags.•Volvo recommends that you engage anauthorised Volvo workshop to handle thereplacement of components in the car'ssafety systems.•Always contact a doctor.NOTEThe airbags and belt tensioner system aredeployed only once during a collision.WARNINGThe airbag control module is located in thecentre console. If the centre console isdrenched with water or other liquid, discon-nect the battery cables. Do not attempt tostart the car since the airbags may deploy.Recovering the car. Volvo recommends thatyou have it conveyed to an authorised Volvoworkshop.WARNINGNever drive with deployed airbags. Theycan make steering difficult. Other safetysystems may also be damaged. The smokeand dust created when the airbags aredeployed can cause skin and eye irritation/injury after intensive exposure. In case ofirritation, wash with cold water. The rapiddeployment sequence and airbag fabricmay cause friction and skin burns.
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