V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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07 During your journey Fuel07301IMPORTANT•Always refuel with unleaded petrol so asnot to damage the catalytic converter.•Do not use additives not recommendedby Volvo.Bioethanol E85Do not modify the fuel system or its compo-nents, and do not replace components withparts that are not specifically designed for usewith bioethanol.WARNINGMethanol must not be used. A decal on theinside of the fuel filler flap shows the correctalternative fuel.The use of components not designed forbioethanol engines could cause fire, injuryor engine damage.Reserve fuel canThe reserve fuel can should be filled with petrol,see the NOTE box, page 119.IMPORTANTMake sure the reserve fuel can is securelyfastened and that its cap is sealed.WARNINGEthanol is sensitive to sparks, and explosivegases could form in the reserve fuel can if itis refuelled with ethanol.DieselOnly use diesel fuel from well-known produc-ers. Never use diesel of dubious quality. Dieselshould fulfil the EN 590 or JIS K2204 stand-ards. Diesel engines are sensitive to contami-nants in the fuel, such as excessively high vol-umes of sulphur particles for example.At low temperatures (-6 °C to -40 °C), a paraffinprecipitate may form in the diesel fuel, whichmay lead to ignition problems. Special dieselfuel designed for low temperatures aroundfreezing point is available from the major oilcompanies. This fuel is less viscous at low tem-peratures and reduces the risk of paraffin pre-cipitate.The risk of condensation in the fuel tank isreduced if the tank is kept well filled. Whenrefuelling, check that the area around the fuelfiller pipe is clean. Avoid spilling fuel onto thepaintwork. Wash off any spillage with deter-gent and water.IMPORTANTOnly ever use fuel that fulfils the Europeandiesel standard.The sulphur content must be a maximum of50 ppm.IMPORTANTDiesel type fuels that must not be used:•Special additives•Marine diesel fuel•Heating oil•FAME1 (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) andvegetable oil.These fuels do not fulfil the requirements inaccordance with Volvo recommendationsand generate increased wear and enginedamage that is not covered by the Volvowarranty.Empty tankThe design of the fuel system in a diesel enginemeans that if the vehicle runs out of fuel, the1Diesel fuel may contain a certain amount of FAME, but further amounts must not be added.
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