V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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07 During your journey Towing and recovery07317TowingFind out the statutory maximum speed limit fortowing before towing begins.1. Unlock the steering lock by inserting theremote control key in the ignition switchand giving a long press on the START/STOP ENGINE button - key position II isactivated, see page 78 for more informa-tion on key positions.2. The remote control key must remain in theignition switch while the car is being towed.3. Keep the towline taut when the towingvehicle reduces speed by holding your footgently pressed on the brake pedal -thereby avoiding unnecessary jerking.4. Be prepared to brake to stop.WARNING•Check that the steering lock is unlockedbefore towing.•The remote control key must be in keyposition II - in position I all airbags aredeactivated.•Never remove the remote control keyfrom the ignition switch when the car isbeing towed.WARNINGThe brake servo and power steering do notwork when the engine is switched off - thebrake pedal needs to be depressedabout 5 times more heavily and the steeringis considerably heavier than normal.Manual gearboxPrior to towing:–Move gear lever into neutral and releasethe parking brake.Automatic gearbox GeartronicIMPORTANTNote that the car must always be towed withthe wheels rolling forward.•Cars with automatic gearbox must notbe towed at speeds above 80 km/h orfurther than 80 km.Prior to towing:–Move the gear selector to position N andrelease the parking brake.Automatic gearbox PowershiftThe model with Powershift transmissionshould not be towed as it is dependent on theengine running in order to receive sufficientlubrication. If towing still has to take place, theroute must be as short as possible and thenwith very low speed.In the event of uncertainty as to whether or notthe car is equipped with Powershift transmis-sion, this can be verified by checking the des-ignation on the transmission's label under thebonnet - see page 380. The designa-tion ”MPS6” means that it is Powershift – trans-mission otherwise it is Geartronic automatictransmission.IMPORTANTAvoid towing.•However, the car can be towed for ashort distance at low speed to move itfrom a dangerous position - not furtherthan 10 km and not faster than10 km/h. Note that the car must alwaysbe towed with the wheels rolling for-ward.•In the event of moving a longer distancethan 10 km, the car must be transportedwith the drive wheels raised from theroad - professional recovery is recom-mended.Prior to towing:–Move the gear selector to position N andrelease the parking brake.
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