V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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08 Wheels and tyresGeneral 08322Driving characteristicsTyres greatly affect the car's driving characte-ristics. The type of tyre, dimensions, tyre pres-sure and speed rating are important for how thecar performs.Direction of rotationG021778The arrow shows the tyre's direction of rotation.Tyres with a tread pattern which are designedto only turn in one direction have the directionof rotation marked with an arrow. The tyre mustalways rotate in the same direction throughoutits lifespan. Tyres should only be switchedbetween front and rear positions, neverbetween left and right-hand sides, or viceversa. If the tyres are fitted incorrectly, the car'sbraking characteristics and capacity to forcerain and slush out of the way are adverselyaffected.Tyres with the greatest tread depth shouldalways be fitted to the rear of the car (todecrease the risk of skidding).NOTEEnsure that tyres of the same type anddimensions, and also the same make, arefitted to all four wheels.Follow the recommended tyre pressuresspecified in the tyre pressure table, seepage 401.Tyre careTyre ageAll tyres older than 6 years old should bechecked by an expert even if they seemundamaged. Tyres age and decompose, evenif they are hardly ever or never used. The func-tion can therefore be affected. This applies toall tyres that are stored for future use. Exam-ples of external signs which indicate that thetyre is unsuitable for use are cracks or discol-oration.New tyresTyres are perishable. After a few years theybegin to harden at the same time as the frictioncapacity/characteristics gradually deteriorate.For this reason, aim to get as fresh tyres aspossible when you replace them. This is espe-cially important with regard to winter tyres. Thelast four digits in the sequence mean the weekand year of manufacture. This is the tyre'sDOT marking (Department of Transportation),and this is stated with four digits, for example1510. The tyre in the illustration was manufac-tured in week 15 of 2010.Summer and winter tyresWhen summer and winter wheels are changedthe wheels should be marked with which sideof the car they were mounted on, for exampleL for left and R for right.
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