V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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08 Wheels and tyres General08325SpecificationsThe car has whole vehicle approval. Thismeans that certain combinations of wheels andtyres are approved. For the permissible com-binations, see page 401Wheel (rim) dimensionsWheels (rims) have a designation of dimen-sions, for example: 7Jx16x50.7 Rim width in inchesJ Rim flange profile16 Rim diameter ininches50 Off-set in mm (dis-tance from wheelcentre to wheel con-tact surface againstthe hub)Tyre dimensionsThe dimensions are stated on all car tyres.Example of designation:225/50R17 98W.225 Tyre width (mm)50 Ratio between tyre wall height andtyre width (%)R Radial ply17 Rim diameter in inches (")98 Codes for the maximum permittedtyre load, tyre load index (LI)W Speed rating for maximum permittedspeed, speed rating (SS). (In this case270 km/h).Load indexEach tyre has a certain capacity to carry a load,a load index (LI). The car's weight determinesthe load capacity required of the tyres. Mini-mum permitted index is specified in the table,see page 401.Speed ratingsEach tyre can withstand a certain maximumspeed, a speed rating (Speed Symbol; SS).Tyre speed class must at least correspond withthe car's top speed. Minimum permitted speedrating is specified in the table, see page 401.The only exception to these conditions is win-ter tyres (both those with metal studs and thosewithout), where a lower speed rating may beused. If such a tyre is chosen, the car must notbe driven faster than the speed rating of thetyre (for example, class Q can be driven at amaximum of 160 km/h).Traffic regulations determine how fast a carcan be driven, not the speed rating of the tyres.NOTEIt is the maximum permitted speed that isstated in the table.Q 160 km/h (used only on winter tyres)T 190 km/hH 210 km/hV 240 km/hW 270 km/hY 300 km/hWARNINGThe car must be fitted with tyres which havethe same or a higher load index (LI) andspeed rating (SS) than specified. If a tyrewith too low a load index or speed rating isused, it may overheat.
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