V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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08 Wheels and tyresChanging wheels 08326* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Spare wheel*The spare wheel (Temporary spare) is onlyintended for use temporarily and must bereplaced by an ordinary wheel as soon as pos-sible. The car's handling may be altered by theuse of the spare wheel. The spare wheel issmaller than the normal wheel. The car'sground clearance is affected accordingly. Payattention to high kerbs and do not machinewash the car. If the spare wheel is fitted on thefront axle, you cannot use snow chains at thesame time. On all-wheel drive cars the drive onthe rear axle can be disconnected. The sparewheel must not be repaired. The correct tyrepressure for the spare wheel is stated in thetyre pressure table, see page 401.IMPORTANTNever drive faster than 80 km/h with a sparewheel on the car.IMPORTANTThe car must never be driven fitted withmore than one temporary spare wheel.The spare wheel is located in the spare wheelwell with the outside down. The same bolt runsthrough to secure the spare wheel and thefoam block. The foam block contains all thetools.Taking out the spare wheel1. Fold up the cargo area floor, from the rearand forwards.2. Undo the retaining screw.3. Lift out the foam block with its tools.4. Lift out the spare wheel.RemovingSet up the warning triangle, see page 330 if awheel must be replaced at a busy location. Thecar and jack* must be on a firm horizontal sur-face.1. Apply the parking brake and engagereverse gear, or position P if the car has anautomatic gearbox.WARNINGCheck that the jack is not damaged, that thethreads are thoroughly lubricated and that itis free from dirt.NOTEVolvo recommends only using the jack* thatbelongs to the car model in question, whichis indicated on the jack's label.The label also indicates the jack's maximumlift capacity at a specified minimum liftingheight.2. Take out the jack*, wheel wrench* andremoval tool for wheel covers* locatedunder the cargo floor in the cargo area. Ifanother jack is selected, see page 338.3. Place chocks in front of and behind thewheels which will remain on the ground.Use heavy wooden blocks or large stonesfor example.4. Cars with steel rims have removable wheelcovers. Use the removal tool to hook in andpull off any full-wheel wheel covers. Alter-natively, the wheel covers can be pulledaway by hand.
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