V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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09 Maintenance and service Engine compartment09343For capacities and for standards regardingwater quality, see page 393.Check the coolant regularlyThe level must lie between the MIN and MAXmarks on the expansion tank. If the system isnot filled sufficiently, high temperatures couldoccur, causing a risk of damage to the engine.IMPORTANT•A high content of chlorine, chloridesand other salts may cause corrosion inthe cooling system.•Always use coolant with anti-corrosionagent as recommended by Volvo.•Ensure that the coolant mixture is 50%water and 50% coolant.•Mix the coolant with approved qualitytap water. In the event of any doubtabout water quality, used ready-mixedcoolant in accordance with Volvo rec-ommendations.•When changing coolant/replacing cool-ing system components, flush the cool-ing system clean with approved qualitytap water or flush with ready-mixedcoolant.•The engine must only be run with a well-filled cooling system. Otherwise, tem-peratures that are too high may occurresulting in the risk of damage (cracks)in the cylinder head.Brake and clutch fluidChecking the levelBrake and clutch fluid have a common reser-voir. The level must be between the MIN andMAX marks that are visible inside the reservoir.Check the level regularly.Change the brake fluid every other year or atevery other regular service.For capacities and recommended fluid grade,see page 393. The fluid should be changedannually on cars driven in conditions requiringhard, frequent braking, such as driving inmountains or tropical climates with highhumidity.WARNINGIf the brake fluid is under the MIN level in thebrake fluid reservoir, do not drive furtherbefore topping up the brake fluid. Volvo rec-ommends that the reason for the loss ofbrake fluid is investigated by an authorisedVolvo workshop.
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