V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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09 Maintenance and service Battery09355OperationThe service life and function of the battery isinfluenced by factors such as the number ofstarts, discharging, driving style, driving con-ditions, climatic conditions etc.•Never disconnect the battery when theengine is running.•Check that the cables to the battery arecorrectly connected and properly tight-ened.WARNING•The battery can generate oxyhydrogengas, which is highly explosive. A sparkcan be formed if a jump lead is con-nected incorrectly, and this can beenough for the battery to explode.•The battery contains sulphuric acid,which can cause serious burns.•If sulphuric acid comes into contactwith eyes, skin or clothing, flush withlarge quantities of water. If acidsplashes into the eyes - seek medicalattention immediately.NOTEThe life of the battery is shortened if itbecomes discharged repeatedly.The life of the battery is affected by severalfactors, including driving conditions and cli-mate. Battery starting capacity decreasesgradually with time and therefore needs tobe recharged if the car is not used for alonger time or when it is only driven shortdistances. Extreme cold further limits star-ting capacity.To maintain the battery in good condition, atleast 15 minutes of driving/week is recom-mended or that the battery is connected toa battery charger with automatic tricklecharging.A battery that is kept fully charged has amaximum service life.IMPORTANTNever use a quick charger to charge thebattery.IMPORTANTIf the following instruction is not observedthen the energy saving function for infotain-ment may be temporarily disengaged, and/or the message in the information displayabout the main battery's state of chargemay be temporarily inapplicable, followingthe connection of an external battery or bat-tery charger:•The negative battery terminal on thecar's main battery must never be usedfor connecting an external battery orbattery charger - only the car chassismay be used as the grounding point.See the section "Start assistance" - for adescription of how the cable clamps mustbe attached.
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