V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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01 SafetyChild safety 0138Stage 2 Start from the lower stage. Press the but-ton.G017784 Lift the booster cushion up at the front edgeand press it back against the backrest to lock.WARNINGVolvo recommends that repair or replace-ment is only carried out by an authorisedVolvo workshop. Do not make any modifi-cations or additions to the booster cushion.If an integrated booster cushion has beensubjected to a major load, such as in con-junction with a collision, the entire boostercushion must be replaced. Even if thebooster cushion appears to be undamaged,it may not afford the same level of protec-tion. The booster cushion must also bereplaced if it is heavily worn.NOTEIt is not possible to adjust the booster cush-ion from stage 2 to stage 1. It must first bereset by being fully folded into the seatcushion. Refer to the heading below, Low-ering the two-stage booster cushion.Lowering the two-stage booster cushionLowering can take place from both the upperand lower stage to fully lowered position in thecushion. However, it is not possible to adjustthe booster cushion from the upper stage tothe lower stage. Pull the handle forwards to release thecushion.
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