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02 Locks and alarmRemote control key/key blade 0246GeneralThe car is supplied with 2 remote control keysor PCCs (Personal Car Communicator). Theyare used to start the car and for locking andunlocking.Additional remote control keys can be ordered- up to 6 can be programmed and used for thesame car.The remote control key contains a removablekey blade made of metal. The visible section isavailable in two versions so that it is possibleto distinguish between the remote controlkeys.The PCC has increased functionality com-pared with the remote control key. The contin-uation of this chapter describes the functionsavailable in both the PCC and the remote con-trol key.WARNINGIf there are children in the car:Remember to switch off the supply to thepower windows and sunroof by removingthe remote control key if the driver leavesthe car.Loss of a remote control keyIf you lose a remote control key then a new onecan be ordered at a workshop - an authorisedVolvo workshop is recommended. The remain-ing remote control keys must then be taken tothe workshop. The code of the missing remotecontrol key must be erased from the system asa theft prevention measure.The current number of keys registered to thecar can be checked in the menu system MYCAR under InformationNumber of keys.For a description of the menu system, seepage 204.Key memory1 – door mirrors and driver'sseatThe settings are automatically connected toeach respective remote control key, see pages81 and 104.The function can be activated/deactivated inthe menu system MY CAR under SettingsCar settings Car key memory.For a description of the menu system, seepage 204.For cars with the Keyless drive system, seepage 55.Indicator for locking/unlockingWhen the car is locked or unlocked using theremote control key, the direction indicatorsconfirm that locking/unlocking was correctlyperformed.•Locking - one flash and the door mirrorsare folded2 in.•Unlocking - two flashes and the door mir-rors are folded2 out.After locking the indication is only given if alllocks have been activated once the doors havebeen closed.Selecting the functionDifferent options for indicating locking/unlock-ing with light can be set in the car's menu sys-tem, see page 204.Search in the menu system MY CAR forSettingsCar settings Light settingsand select Door lock confirmation light and/or Unlock confirmation light .ImmobiliserEach remote control key has a unique code.The car can only be started with the correctremote control key with the correct code.1Only in combination with power driver's seat and power mirrors.2Only for cars with retractable power door mirrors.
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