V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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02 Locks and alarm Battery replacement, remote control key/PCC*02* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.53Replacing the batteryThe batteries should be replaced if:•the information symbol is illuminated andthe display shows Low battery in remotecontrol. Please change batteries.and/or•the locks repeatedly do not react to signalsfrom the remote control key within20 metres from the car.Opening Slide the spring-loaded catch to theside. At the same time pull the key bladestraight out backwards. Insert a 3 mm slot screwdriver in thehole behind the spring-loaded catch andgently prize the remote control key up.NOTETurn the remote control key over with thebuttons facing up, this is to avoid the bat-teries falling out when it is opened.IMPORTANTAvoid touching the battery and its terminalswith your fingers, as this could damage theirfunctionality.Battery replacementClosely study how the battery/batteries aresecured on the inside of the cover, withregard to their (+) and (–) sides.Remove control key (1 battery)1. Carefully prize out the battery.2.Install a new one with the ( +) side down.PCC* (2 batteries)1. Carefully prize out the batteries.2.First install one new one with the ( +) sideup.3. Position the white plastic tab in betweenand finally install a second new battery withthe (+) side down.Battery typeUse batteries with the designation CR2430, 3V- one in the remote control key and two in thePCC.Assembly1. Press the remote control key together.2. Hold the remote control key with the slotpointed up and lower the key blade into itsslot.3. Lightly press the key blade. You shouldhear a "click" when the key blade is lockedin.
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