V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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02 Locks and alarmKeyless drive* 0256* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.LockingCars with the keyless system have a button on theoutside door handles.Lock the doors and the tailgate by pressing thelock button on one of the door handles on theoutside.All doors and the tailgate must be closedbefore the car can be locked - otherwise thecar is not locked.NOTEOn cars with automatic transmission, thegear selector must be set in the P position– otherwise the car cannot be locked or thealarm armed.UnlockingUnlocking takes place when a hand grasps adoor handle or the tailgate's rubberised pres-sure plate is actuated - open the door or tail-gate as normal.Unlocking with the key bladeHole for key blade - to loosen the cover.If central locking cannot be activated with thePCC, e.g. if the batteries are discharged, thenthe left-hand front door can be opened with thePCC's detachable key blade (see page 50)To access the lock cylinder, the door handle'splastic cover must be removed - this is alsodone with the key blade:1. Press the key blade approx. 1 cm straightup into the hole on the underside of thedoor handle/cover - do not prize.> The plastic cover loosens automaticallyby means of the torque when the bladeis pushed straight up and into the open-ing.2. Then insert the key blade in the lock cylin-der and unlock the door.3. Refit the plastic cover after unlocking.NOTEWhen the driver's door is unlocked using thekey blade and is opened, the alarm is trig-gered. It is switched off by inserting the PCCin the ignition switch, see page 65.Key memory2 – driver's seat and doormirrorsPCC memory functionIf several people each with a PCC approach thecar, then the settings for seat and mirrors areimplemented for the person who opens thedriver's door.After the driver's door has been opened byperson A with PCC-A, but person B with PCC-2Only in combination with power driver's seat and power mirrors.
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