V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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02 Locks and alarmLocking/unlocking 0258* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.From the outsideThe remote control key can lock/unlock alldoors and the tailgate simultaneously. Differentsequences for unlocking can be selected, see"Unlocking with the remote control key" page48.In order that the lock sequence can be acti-vated, the driver's door must be closed - if anyof the other doors or the tailgate is open, thenit/they is/are locked and the alarm is activatedonly when it/they are closed. With the Key-less* system all the doors and tailgate must beclosed.NOTEBe aware of the risk of locking the remotecontrol key in the car.If it is not possible to lock/unlock with theremote control key, the battery may be dis-charged - lock or unlock the driver's door withthe detachable key blade, see page 50.NOTERemember that the alarm is triggered whenthe door is opened after being unlockedwith the key blade - the alarm is switchedoff when the remote control key is insertedinto the ignition switch.WARNINGBe aware of the risk of being locked in thecar when it is locked from the outside usingthe remote control key - it is then not pos-sible to open any of the doors from theinside with the door controls. Read moreabout this in the section "Deadlocks" lateron.Automatic relockingIf none of the doors or the tailgate is openedwithin 2 minutes of unlocking, all are lockedagain automatically. This function reduces therisk that the car is left unlocked unintentionally.(For cars with alarm, see page 64.)From the insideCentral lockingCentral locking.All of the doors and the tailgate can be lockedor unlocked simultaneously using the centrallocking button on either front door.•Press one side of the button to lock -the other side to unlock.UnlockingA door can be unlocked from the inside in twodifferent ways:•Press the central locking button .Press and hold (at least 4 seconds) to alsoopen all the side windows* simultaneously.
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