V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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02 Locks and alarm Locking/unlocking02* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.59•Pull the door handle once and release - thedoor is unlocked. Pull the door handleagain to open the door.Locking•Press the central locking button afterthe front doors have been closed.Press and hold (at least 2 seconds) to alsoclose all the side windows and the sunroof*simultaneously.All doors can also be individually locked man-ually with their lock buttons - the door in ques-tion must then be closed.Global openingPress and hold the central locking button (at least 4 seconds) to also open all the win-dows simultaneously - for example, to quicklyventilate the passenger compartment duringhot weather.Automatic lockingThe doors and tailgate are locked automati-cally when the car starts to move.The function can be activated/deactivated inthe menu system MY CAR under SettingsCar settings Lock settings Automaticdoor locking. For a description of the menusystem, see page 204.GloveboxThe glovebox can only be locked/unlockedusing the remote control key's detachable keyblade. For information on the key blade, seepage 50.Locking the glovebox:Insert the key blade in the glovebox lockcylinder.Turn the key blade 90 degrees clockwise.The keyhole is horizontal in the lockedposition.Pull out the key blade.•Unlock by carrying this out in reverseorder.For information on privacy locking, seepage 51.TailgateUnlocking with the remote control keyThe alarm for the tailgate can be disarmed* andthe tailgate unlocked on its own by using theremote control key's button.If the car is equipped with an alarm* the alarmindicator on the instrument panel stops toshow that alarm for the whole of the car is notarmed. The alarm's level and movement sen-sors and the sensors for opening the tailgateare disconnected.The doors remain locked and armed.•The tailgate is unlocked, but remainsclosed - press lightly on the rubberisedpressure plate under the outer handle andlift the tailgate.
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