V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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02 Locks and alarmLocking/unlocking 0260* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.If the tailgate is not opened within 2 minutesthen it is relocked and the alarm is re-armed.Unlocking the car from insideTo unlock the tailgate:–Press the lighting panel button (1).> The tailgate is unlocked and can beopened within 2 minutes (if the car islocked from the inside).Locking with the remote control key–Press the remote control key's button forlocking, , see page 47.> If the car is equipped with an alarm* thealarm indicator on the instrument panelstarts to flash, which means that thealarm is armed.Power operated tailgate*G017876NOTEConsider the roof height when using elec-trical operation. Do not use electrical oper-ation of the tailgate under a low roof height,see under the heading "Interrupt opening/closing of tailgate".NOTE•If the system has been operating con-tinuously for a long time, it is switchedoff to avoid overload. It can be usedagain after about 2 minutes.•If the battery has been discharged ordisconnected then the tailgate must beopened and closed again to reset thesystem.Programmable max. openingTailgate maximum opening position can beprogrammed. Can be used for e.g. low roofheight in a garage. Proceed as follows:•Open the tailgate manually, hold it in thedesired position and give the button on thetailgate one long press (at least 3 seconds)and then release the tailgate - the pro-gramming is complete.•To clear the programming - move the tail-gate manually to a higher position.Snow and windIf the tailgate is forced down by something justwhen it is being opened, e.g. snow, ice orstrong wind, and this causes the tailgate tolower, then it is closed automatically.
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