V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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03 Your driving environment Instruments and controls03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.73Symbol SpecificationMain beam OnLeft-hand direction indicatorsRight-hand direction indicatorsDRIVe - Start/Stop*, the engineauto-stopped, see page 128Not usedABL faultThe symbol illuminates if a fault has arisen inthe ABL function (Active Bending Lights).Emissions systemIf the symbol illuminates then it may be due toa fault in the car's emissions system. Drive toa workshop for checking. Volvo recommendsthat you seek assistance from an authorisedVolvo workshop.ABS faultIf this symbol illuminates then the system is notworking. The car's regular brake system con-tinues to work, but without the ABS function.1. Stop the car in a safe place and turn off theengine.2. Restart the engine.3. If the symbol remains illuminated, drive toa workshop to have the ABS systemchecked. Volvo recommends that youseek assistance from an authorised Volvoworkshop.Rear fog lamp onThis symbol illuminates when the rear fog lampis on. There is only one fog lamp. It is locatedon the driver's side.Stability systemA flashing symbol indicates that the stabilitysystem is operating. If the symbol illuminateswith constant glow then there is a fault in thesystem.Stability system, Sport modeSport mode allows for a more active drivingexperience. The system then detects whetherthe accelerator pedal, steering wheel move-ments and cornering are more active than innormal driving and then allows controlled skid-ding of the rear section up to a certain levelbefore it intervenes and stabilises the car.Engine preheater (diesel)This symbol illuminates during engine preheat-ing. Preheating takes place mostly due to lowtemperature.Low level in fuel tankWhen the symbol illuminates the level in thefuel tank is low, refuel as soon as possible.Information, read display textWhen one of the car's systems does notbehave as intended, this information symbolilluminates and a text appears on the informa-tion display. The message text is cleared withthe OK button, see page 202, or it disappearsautomatically after a time (time depending onwhich function is indicated). The informationsymbol can also illuminate in conjunction withother symbols.NOTEWhen a service message is shown, the sym-bol and message are cleared using the OKbutton, or disappear automatically after atime.Main beam OnThe symbol illuminates when main beam is onand with main beam flash.Left/right-hand direction indicatorsBoth direction indicator symbols flash whenthe hazard warning flashers are used.DRIVe – Start/Stop*The symbol shines when the engine is auto-stopped.
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