V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
Introduction Important information7warning is ignored, may result in serious per-sonal injury or fatality.Risk of property damageG031592White ISO symbols and white text/image onblack or blue warning field and message field.Used to indicate the presence of danger which,if the warning is ignored, may result in damageto property.InformationG031593White ISO symbols and white text/image onblack message field.NOTEThe labels shown in the owner's manual arenot provided as exact reproductions ofthose in the car. The purpose is to showtheir approximate appearance and locationin the car. The information that applies toyour car in particular is available on the labelin question in your car.Procedure listsProcedures where action must be taken in acertain sequence are numbered in the owner'smanual.When there is a series of illustrations forstep-by-step instructions each step isnumbered in the same way as the corres-ponding illustration.There are numbered lists with letters adja-cent to the series of illustrations where theorder of the instructions is not significant.Arrows appear numbered and unnum-bered and are used to illustrate a move-ment.Arrows with letters are used to clarify amovement when the reciprocal order is ofno relevance.If there is no series of illustrations for step-by-step instructions then the different steps arenumbered with normal numbers.Position listsRed circles containing a number are usedin overview images where different com-ponents are pointed out. The numberrecurs in the position list featured in con-nection with the illustration that describesthe item.
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