V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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03 Your driving environmentSeats 0382* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.use. This stores the positions of the seatand door mirrors in the remote controlkey's memory4.•Unlock the car (by pressing the unlock but-ton on the same remote control key) andopen the driver's door. The driver's seatand door mirrors will automatically adoptthe positions that are stored in the remotecontrol key's memory (if the seat has beenmoved since you locked the car).The key memory can be activated/deactivatedin the menu system MY CAR under SettingsCar settings Car key memory. For adescription of the menu system, seepage 204.Emergency stopIf the seat accidentally begins to move, pressone of the setting buttons for the seat or mem-ory buttons in order to stop the seat.Restarting to reach the seat position stored inthe key memory is performed by pressing theunlock button on the remote control key. Thedriver's door must then be open.WARNINGRisk of crushing! Make sure that children donot play with the controls. Check that thereare no objects in front of, behind or underthe seat during adjustment. Ensure thatnone of the backseat passengers will betrapped.Heated/ventilated seats*For heated/ventilated seats, see page 217.Rear seatsHead restraint, centre seat, rearAdjust the head restraint according to passen-ger height so that the whole of the back of thehead is covered if possible. Slide it up asrequired.To lower the head restraint again, the button(located in the centre between the backrestand head restraint, see illustration) must bepressed in while the head restraint is presseddown carefully.Manual lowering of the outer headrestraints, rear seatPull the locking handle closest to the headrestraint to fold the head restraint forward.The head restraint is moved back manuallyuntil a "click" can be heard.4This setting does not affect settings that have been stored in the power seat's memory function.
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