V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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IntroductionImportant information 8* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Bulleted listsA bulleted list is used when there is a list ofpoints in the owner's manual.Example:•Coolant•Engine oilTo be continued This symbol is located furthest down to theright when a section continues on the followingpage.Recording dataYour vehicle contains a number of computerswhose function is to continuously check andmonitor the vehicle's operation and function-ality. Some of the computers can record infor-mation during normal driving if they detect anerror. In addition, information is recorded in theevent of a collision or incident. Parts of therecorded information are required so that tech-nicians can diagnose and rectify faults in thevehicle during servicing and maintenance andso that Volvo can fulfil legal requirements andother regulations. In addition to this, the infor-mation is used for research purposes by Volvoin order to continually develop quality andsafety, as the information can contribute to abetter understanding of the factors that causeaccidents and injuries. The informationincludes details of the status and functionalityof various systems and modules in the vehiclewith regard to engine, throttle, steering andbrake systems, amongst other things. Thisinformation may include details regarding theway the driver drives the vehicle, such as vehi-cle speed, brake and accelerator pedal use,steering wheel movement and whether or notthe driver and passengers have used theirseatbelts. For the reasons given this informa-tion may be stored in the vehicle's computersfor a certain length of time, but also as a resultof a collision or incident. This information maybe stored by Volvo as long as it can help tofurther develop and further enhance safety andquality and as long as there are legal require-ments and other regulations that Volvo needsto consider.Volvo will not contribute to the above-descri-bed information being disclosed to third partieswithout the vehicle owner's consent. However,due to national legislation and regulationsVolvo may be required to disclose such infor-mation to authorities such as police authorities,or others who may assert a legal right to haveaccess to it.To be able to read and interpret the informationrecorded by the computers in the vehiclerequires special technical equipment thatVolvo, and workshops that have entered intoagreements with Volvo, have access to. Volvois responsible that the information, which istransferred to Volvo during servicing and main-tenance, is stored and handled in a securemanner and that the handling complies withapplicable legal requirements. For further infor-mation - contact a Volvo dealer.Accessories and extra equipmentThe incorrect connection and installation ofaccessories can negatively affect the car'selectrical system. Certain accessories onlyfunction when their associated software isinstalled in the car's computer system. Volvotherefore recommends that you always con-tact an authorised Volvo workshop beforeinstalling accessories which are connected toor affect the electrical system.Change of ownership for cars withVolvo On Call*Volvo On Call is a supplemental service thatconsists of safety, security and comfort serv-ices. If the car has Volvo On Call and there is achange of owner, it is very important that theseservices are discontinued so that the formerowner cannot access the services in the car.Contact the call centre by pressing the ONCALL button in the car or contact an author-ised Volvo workshop. See also "Changing thesecurity code" in the owner's manual for VolvoOn Call.
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