V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
03 Your driving environment Lighting0389Light switch in position AUTO.Activate/deactivate AHB by moving the left-hand stalk switch towards the steering wheelto the end position and release. Deactivationwhen main beam is on means that the lightsswitch directly to dipped beam.Headlamp control and stalk switch.When AHB has been activated the symbol illuminates in the combined instru-ment panel's display. When main beam hasbeen activated the symbol also illumi-nates in the combined instrument panel.NOTEKeep the windscreen surface in front of thecamera sensor clean from ice, snow, mistand dirt.Do not attach or fit anything to the wind-screen in front of the camera sensor, as thiscould reduce or prevent the function of oneor more camera-dependent systems.If the message AHB temporary unavailableis shown in the combined instrument panel'sdisplay then you have to switch manuallybetween main and dipped beam. However, theheadlamp control may nevertheless be in posi-tion . The same applies if the messageWindscreen Sensors blocked and the symbol are shown. The sym-bol goes out when these messages are shown.AHB may be temporarily unavailable e.g. in sit-uations with dense fog or heavy rain. WhenAHB becomes available again, or the wind-screen sensors are no longer covered, themessage goes out and the symbol illu-minates.WARNINGAHB is an aid for using optimum light com-position when conditions are favourable.The driver always bears responsibility formanually switching between main anddipped beam when traffic situations orweather conditions so require.
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