V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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03 Your driving environment Wipers and washing03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.99Windscreen wipers1Windscreen wipers and windscreen washers.Rain sensor, on/offThumbwheel sensitivity/frequencyWindscreen wipers offMove the stalk switch to position 0 toswitch off the windscreen wipers.Single sweepRaise the stalk switch and release tomake one sweep.Intermittent wipingSet the number of sweeps per timeunit with the thumbwheel when inter-mittent wiping is selected.Continuous wipingThe wipers sweep at normal speed.The wipers sweep at high speed.IMPORTANTBefore activating the wipers during winter -ensure that the wiper blades are not frozenin and that any snow or ice on the wind-screen (and rear window) is scraped away.IMPORTANTUse plenty of washer fluid when the wipersare cleaning the windscreen. The wind-screen must be wet when the windscreenwipers are operating.Service position wiper bladeFor cleaning the windscreen/wiper blades andreplacement of wiper blades see seepage 352 and 371.Rain sensor*The rain sensor automatically starts the wind-screen wipers based on how much water itdetects on the windscreen. The sensitivity ofthe rain sensor can be adjusted using thethumbwheel.When the rain sensor is activated a light in thebutton the rain sensor symbol is shownin the right-hand display in the combinedinstrument panel.Activating and setting the sensitivityWhen activating the rain sensor, the car mustbe running or the remote control key in positionI or II while the windscreen wiper stalk switchmust be in position 0 or in the position for asingle sweep.Activate the rain sensor by pressing the button. The windscreen wipers make onesweep.Press the stalk switch up for the wipers to makean extra sweep.Turn the thumbwheel upward for higher sensi-tivity and downward for lower sensitivity. (Anextra sweep is made when the thumbwheel isturned upward.)DeactivateDeactivate the rain sensor by pressing the but-ton or move the stalk switch down toanother wiper program.1Replacing the wiper blades see page 352, service position, wiper blade see page 352 and filling washer fluid see page 354.
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