V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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434page / 8.72MB
03 Your driving environment Power sunroof*03* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.109Closing using the remote control key orcentral locking buttonG021345One long press on the lock button closes thesunroof and all the windows, see pages 47 and58. The doors and the tailgate are locked. Tointerrupt closing, press the lock button again.WARNINGIf the sunroof is closed using the remotecontrol key, check that no one is in dangerof becoming trapped in any way.SunscreenThe sunroof features a manual, sliding interiorsunscreen. The sunscreen slides back auto-matically when the sunroof is opened. Grip thehandle and slide the screen forward to close it.Pinch protectionThe sunroof's pinch protection function is trig-gered if it is blocked by an object during auto-matic closing. If blocked, the sunroof will stopand automatically open to the previous posi-tion.Wind deflectorThe sunroof has a wind deflector that is foldedup when the sunroof is in the open position.
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