V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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05 Comfort and driving pleasureMenu source MY CAR 05210* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.and detailed information - seepage 265.The menu options under Naviga-tion commands show severalexamples of available voice com-mands - only with Volvo's navi-gation system RTI* installed.Voice user settingDefault settingUser 1User 2Here there is the option to createa second user profile - an advant-age if more than one person shalluse the car/system regularly.Default setting gives factory set-tings.Voice trainingUser 1User 2With Voice training the voicerecognition system is taught torecognise the driver's voice andpronunciation. A number of phra-ses are presented on the screenfor the driver to read aloud. Whenthe system has learnt how thedriver talks, the presentation ofthe phrases stops. Followingwhich e.g. User 1 can beselected in Voice user setting inorder that the system shall listento the right user.Voice output volumeA volume control appears on thescreen - at which point, proceedas follows:1. Adjust the volume with thethumbwheel.2.Test-listen using OK.3.Use EXIT to store the settingand the menu is switched off.Voice POI listEdit listThe number of facilities is exten-sive and varies depending onmarket. Maximum 30 favouritefacilities can be stored in this list.Menu option Voice POI list isonly shown if Volvo's navigationsystem RTI* is installed. For moreinformation on Facilities andVoice recognition - see the Navi-gation system's owner's manual.Audio settingsp. 237Climate settings
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