V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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05 Comfort and driving pleasureClimate control 05220* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.•the air conditioning is automaticallyengaged•recirculation and the air quality system areautomatically disengaged.NOTEThe noise level increases as the fan is oper-ating at max.When the defroster is switched off the climatecontrol returns to the previous settings.RecirculationRecirculationWhen recirculation isengaged the orange lamp inthe button illuminates. Thefunction is selected to shutout bad air, exhaust gasesetc. from the passenger com-partment. The air in the pas-senger compartment is recirculated, i.e. nooutside air is taken into the car when this func-tion is activated.IMPORTANTIf the air in the car recirculates for too long,there is a risk of misting on the insides of thewindows.TimerWith the timer function activated the systemwill exit manually activated recirculation modeaccording to a time that depends on the out-side temperature. This reduces the risk of ice,misting and bad air. Activate/deactivate thefunction in the menu system MY CAR underSettingsClimate settingsRecirculation timer . For a description of themenu system, see page 205.NOTEWhen max. defroster is selected, recircula-tion is always deactivated.Air quality system IAQS*The air quality system separates gases andparticles to reduce the levels of odours andpollution in the passenger compartment. If theoutside air is contaminated then the air intakeis closed and the air is recirculated.Activate/deactivate the function in the menusystem MY CAR under SettingsClimatesettingsInterior air quality system . For adescription of the menu system, seepage 205.NOTEThe air quality sensor should always beengaged in order to obtain the best air in thepassenger compartment.Recirculation is limited in cold weather toavoid misting.If the insides of the windows start mistingup, disengage the air quality sensor, and thedefroster functions for the windscreen, theside and the rear windows should also beused to demist the windows.Cars with Eco Start/Stop DRIVe*With an auto-stopped engine certain equip-ment has its function temporarily reduced, e.g.climate control fan speed. For more informa-tion, see page 128.
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