V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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06 Infotainment system External audio source via AUX/USB* input06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.259GeneralConnection points for external audio sources.An external audio source, e.g. an iPodµ or MP3player, can be connected to the audio systemvia any of the connections in the centre con-sole. An audio source connected to the USBinput can then be handled1 with the car's audiocontrols. A device connected via the AUX inputcannot be controlled via the car.There is a recess in the right-hand rear edge ofthe tunnel console where cables can be routedso that the hatch can be closed without cablesbeing pinched.NOTEIf the car is equipped with a steering wheelkeypad* and/or remote control* then inmany cases these can be used instead ofthe buttons in the centre console. For adescription of the steering wheel keypad,see page 238. For a description of theremote control, see page 282.An iPodµ or MP3 player with rechargeable bat-teries is recharged (when the ignition is on orthe engine is running) if the device is pluggedinto the USB connection.To connect the audio source:1.Press MEDIA, turn TUNE to the desiredaudio source USB , iPod or AUX , pressOK/MENU.>If USB is selected then Connect USB isshown in the TV screen.2. Connect your audio source to one of theconnections in the centre console's stor-age compartment (see previous illustra-tion).The text Reading USB is shown in the TVscreen when the system is loading the storagemedia's file structure. Depending on the filestructure and number of files there may besome delay before loading is finished.NOTEThe system supports most iPodµ modelsproduced in 2005 or later.NOTETo prevent damage to the USB connection,this is shut off if the USB connection isshort-circuited or if a connected USB unit istaking too much power (this may happen ifthe unit connected does not meet the USBstandard). The USB connection is reactiva-ted automatically the next time the ignitionis turned on, unless the fault persists.MenusThe menus inMEDIA are controlled from thecentre console and the steering wheel key-pad*. For general information on menu naviga-tion, see page 240 and menu overview, seepage 244.1Only applies to the media source connected via the USB connection.
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