V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../XC70_V70_owners_manual_MY13_en-GB_TP_15282.pdf - 8.72MB
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08 Wheels and tyresEmergency puncture repair (TMK)* 08334* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.WARNINGCheck the tyre pressure regularly.Volvo recommends that you drive to the near-est authorised Volvo workshop for the replace-ment/repair of the damaged tyre. Advise theworkshop that the tyre contains sealing fluid.WARNINGYou should not drive faster than 80 km/hafter the emergency tyre repair kit has beenused. Volvo recommends that you visit anauthorised Volvo workshop for inspection ofthe sealed tyre (maximum driving distanceis 200 km). The staff there can determinewhether or not the tyre can be repaired or ifit needs to be replaced.Inflating the tyresThe car's original tyres can be inflated by thecompressor.1. The compressor must be switched off.Make sure that the switch is in position 0and locate the cable and air hose.2. Unscrew the wheel's dust cap and screwin the air hose valve connection to the bot-tom of the thread on the tyre's air valve.WARNINGInhaling car exhaust fumes can result indanger to life. Never leave the engine run-ning in sealed areas or areas that lack suf-ficient ventilation.WARNINGDo not leave children in the car withoutsupervision when the engine is running.3. Connect the cable to one of the car's 12 Vsockets and start the car.4. Start the compressor by flicking the switchto position I.IMPORTANTRisk of overheating. The compressor mustnot run for more than 10 minutes.5. Inflate the tyre to the pressure specified inaccordance with the tyre pressure table,see page 401. (Release air using the pres-sure reducing valve if the tyre pressure istoo high.)6. Switch off the compressor. Detach the airhose and cable.7. Refit the dust cap.Replacing the sealing fluid canisterReplace the bottle when the expiration datehas passed. Treat the old bottle as environ-mentally hazardous waste.WARNINGThe bottle contains 1.2-Ethanol and naturalrubber-latex.Harmful if ingested. Could result in allergicreaction in the event of skin contact.Avoid contact with the skin and eyes.Store out of the reach of children.
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