V70の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全434ページ 8.72MB]
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09 Maintenance and serviceCar care 09374To achieve best results Volvo recommendscleaning and the application of protectivecream once to four times per year (or more ifnecessary). The Volvo Leather Care kit is avail-able from your Volvo dealer.IMPORTANT•Certain items of coloured clothing (forexample, jeans and suede garments)may stain the upholstery.•Never use strong solvents. Such prod-ucts may damage fabric, vinyl andleather upholstery.Washing instructions for leatherupholstery1. Pour the leather cleaner on the dampenedsponge and squeeze out a strong foam.2. Work the dirt away with gentle circularmovements.3. Dab accurately with the sponge on thestains. Allow the sponge to absorb thestain. Do not rub.4. Wipe off with soft paper or a cloth andallow the leather to dry completely.Protective treatment of leatherupholstery1. Pour a small amount of the protectivecream on the felted cloth and massage ina thin layer of cream with gentle circularmovements on the leather.2. Allow the leather to dry for 20 minutesbefore use.The leather has now been given improved pro-tection against stains and improved UV pro-tection.Washing instructions for the leathersteering wheel•Remove dirt and dust with a soft pre-mois-tened sponge and neutral soap.•Leather needs to breathe. Never cover theleather steering wheel with protective plas-tic.•Use natural oils. Volvo's leather careagents are recommended for best results.If the steering wheel has stains:Group 1 (ink, wine, coffee, milk, sweat andblood)–Use a soft cloth or sponge. Mix a 5%ammonia solution. (For blood stains, use asolution of 2 dl water and 25g salt.)Group 2 (fats, oils, sauces and chocolate)1. Same procedure as group 1.2. Polish with an absorbent paper or cloth.Group 3 (dry dirt, dust)1. Use a soft brush to remove the dirt.2. Same procedure as group 1.Treating stains on interior plastic, metaland wood partsA fibrillated fibre or microfibre cloth, lightlymoistened with water, available from Volvodealers, is recommended for cleaning interiorparts and surfaces.Do not scrape or rub stains. Never use strongstain removers. A special cleaning agent avail-able from Volvo dealers can be used for moredifficult cleaning.Cleaning seatbeltsUse water and a synthetic detergent. A specialtextile cleaning agent is available from yourVolvo dealer. Make sure the seatbelt is drybefore allowing it to retract.
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