X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全139ページ 4.74MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 4.74MB
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139page / 4.74MB
ReferenceAt a glanceControlsDriving tipsMobility 129Indicator and warning lamps, overview12Individual settings, refer to Vehicle Memory, Key Memory18Inflation pressure, refer to Tire inflation pressure 90Inflation pressure monitoring, refer to- Flat Tire Monitor 53- Tire Pressure Monitor 54Initializing, refer to Power failure23,24INSPECTION46Instrument cluster 11Instrument lighting 60Instrument panel, refer to Cockpit10Integrated universal remote control67Interior lamps60- remote control20Interior motion sensor 26- switching off20,26Interior rearview mirror 33- automatic dimming feature33- compass68Interlock37Intermittent mode of the wipers41Interval indicator, Service 46JJacking points110- vehicle jack110Jump starting114KKey Memory18Keys18- key-specific settings, refer to Vehicle Memory, Key Memory18Kick-down40LLabeling, tires93Lamps and bulbs104Lashing eyes, refer to Securing load83LATCH child restraint fixing system35LEDs light-emitting diodes105Length, refer to Dimensions121License plate lamp, replacing bulbs108Liftgate22- closing22- emergency operation 22- manually opening 22- opening from outside 22- remote control20Liftgate lamp, replacing bulbs108Lifting handle, compact wheel109Light-alloy wheels, care, refer to Caring for your vehicle brochureLight-emitting diodes LEDs105Lighter72Lighter socket72Lighting of instruments 60Lights, refer to Parking lamps/low beams58Light switch58Load- determining load limit 82- refer to Cargo loading 82Lock buttons, doors, refer to Locking21Locking- from inside21- with the remote control 19Low beams58- automatic58- indicator lamp, defective bulb58- replacing bulbs105Lower back support, refer to Lumbar support29Lug bolts110- torque110Luggage compartment 22- capacity122- cover, refer to Cargo area cover75- floor cover76- increasing volume 74- opening/closing, refer to Liftgate22- opening from outside 22- opening with remote control20- refer to Cargo area74Luggage compartment lid- emergency operation, refer to Opening manually 22- opening with remote control, refer to Unlocking liftgate 20- refer to Liftgate22Luggage compartment net, refer to Partition net 75Luggage rack, refer to Roof-mounted luggage rack 84Lug wrench109Lumbar support29MMaintenance102- refer to Service Interval Display46Maintenance system 102Malfunctions- automatic transmission 40- door lock21- fuel filler door88- liftgate22- panorama glass sunroof 25Manual air distribution 62,65Manual operation- door lock21- driver's door21- fuel filler door88- liftgate22- panorama glass sunroof 25
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