Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 0.89MB]
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During a specific period (usually the earlier of12 months or 12,000 miles, though thisperiod varies by state), some statesrequire us or our authorized BMW center,to repair in a reason able number of attempts,any defect or condition which substantiallyimpairs the use, value, or safety of a newvehicle sold, leased or registered in thatstate.A "reasonable number of attempts" is gener-ally defined as (i) two or more attempts torepair the same defect (the number of attemptsmay vary by state) or (ii) that the same defecthas caused the vehicle to be out of service byreason of repair for more than 30 days (thisperiod may vary by state), except for delayscreated by conditions beyond our control.If we are unable to correct a defect or conditioncovered by these statutes in a reasonablenumber of attempts, we may be obligatedeither to replace the vehicle or reimburse theowner/lessee in an amount equal to thepurchase price or lease payments paid by theowner/lessee, less the amount directlyattributable to use of the vehicle by the owner/lessee.YOU SHOULD SEND WRITTEN NOTIFICA-TION DIRECTLY TO BMW OF NORTHAMERICA OF THE EXISTENCE OF ANALLEGED DEFECT. SEND WRITTENCOMMUNICATION TO THE NATIONALCUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPARTMENTADDRESS LISTED BELOW.BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLCCUSTOMER RELATIONS AND SERVICESDEPARTMENTP.O. BOX 1227WESTWOOD, NEW JERSEY 07675-1227Telephone: 1-800-831-1117Customer Assistance -Notification22If your concern is still not resolved to yoursatisfaction, BMW offers additional assistancethrough BBB AUTO LINE in ARKANSAS,CALIFORNIA, IDAHO, IOWA, GEORGIA,MINNESOTA and PENNSYLVANIA. BBBAUTO LINE is a dispute resolution programadministered by the Council of Better Busi-ness Bureaus. BBB AUTO LINE resolvesdisputes through mediation or arbitration.Mediation is an informal proceeding wherebya neutral third party (mediator) helps theparties to find an acceptable resolution.Arbitration is also an informal proceeding inwhich an impartial third party renders adecision after a hearing at which both partieshave an opportunity to be heard. You canselect mediation or arbitration or both.The program is free of charge to you, theconsumer but there are some minimumrequirements for participation in the program.Please contact BBB AUTO LINE at the addressor phone number listed below for more details:BBB AUTO LINE4200 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 800Arlington, VA 222031 (800) 955-5100If you wish to use the program and you qualifyfor participation, you will be required toprovide the following information:➣Your name and address➣The vehicle identification number (VIN)➣The make, model and year of your vehicle➣A description of the problem with yourvehicle.BBB AUTO LINE will also ask you for otherinformation that may help resolve yourconcerns, such as the purchase price of yourvehicle, any mileage at the time of purchase,the current mileage, and copies of repairorders.BBB AUTO LINE will notify you when yourclaim has been filed. If you decide to arbitrateyou may attend the hearing in person or bytelephone. You may bring witnesses and givesupporting evidence. You may also submitBBB Auto Line
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