Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 0.89MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 0.89MB
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3Your BMW is factory-equipped with anewly-developed synthetic engine oil. Atthe time of the printing of this booklet BMWHigh-Performance Synthetic 5W-30 Oil(Part Number 07 51 0 017 866) and Mobil 15W-30 and 5W-40 oils are stronglyrecommended and approved by BMW forthe BMW Z4 models. BMW is evaluatingvarious synthetic oils for inclusion in our listof recommended motor oils.It is recommended to check engine oil levelwhenever fuel is added to the vehicle.- Inspection I: Major vehicle maintenanceas specified in the following pages underInspection I.- Inspection II: Additional major vehiclemaintenance as specified in the followingpages under Inspection II.The following maintenance elements must beperformed at the mileage/time stated (timeintervals begin from the vehicle's productiondate):- Brake Fluid Service: Change brake fluidevery two years.- Oxygen Sensor Service: The oxygen sensordeteriorates strictly on a mileage basis andmust therefore be replaced every 100,000miles to maximize vehicle fuel economyand minimize exhaust pollution. Thereplacement of the oxygen sensor isrequired under the terms of the appli-cable BMW emission system warranties.- Spark Plug Service: Replace spark plugsevery 100,000 miles.- Automatic Transmission Service: ChangeATF every 100,000 miles.The engine coolant has a lifetime rating anddoes not need to be changed.For your convenience, you may also wish tohave your BMW center perform any necessaryoperations to fulfill any state inspectionrequirements in your area concurrent with themaintenance elements specified above duringother repairs.Make sure that confirmation of maintenancework is always entered in this Service andWarranty Information Statement. You may needthis for any warranty claims that becomenecessary, and later on as evidence that yourcar has been given the correct and regularmaintenance that justifies its resale or trade-invalue.BMW has applied the most moderntechnological advances not only to the designand production of your vehicle, but also tocomputing of the optimum maintenanceinterval for your type of operations and drivingstyle. Your BMW center has made a substantialinvestment in unique BMW special servicetools to enable his BMW factory trained servicetechnicians to perform quality repairs on yourBMW in minimal time. He/she looks forward toserving your every service need and to helpmaximize your satisfaction with your BMW, itslongevity, and resale value.
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