Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 0.89MB]
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your claim in writing and ask for a decisionon the documents you submit, withoutattending a hearing. BBB AUTO LINE willusually render a decision within 40 daysfrom the time you file your complaint. Thedecision is binding on BMW if you decide toaccept it. BMW must comply with thedecision within the time frame specified bythe arbitrator.Important: You must use BBB AUTO LINEbefore asserting in court any rights orremedies created by the Magnuson MossWarranty Act, ("The Act") 15 U.S.C. Sec.2301, et seq. You may also be required touse BBB AUTO LINE before seekingremedies under your state's "Lemon Law". Ifyou choose to seek redress by pursuingrights and remedies not created by Title 1 ofMagnuson Moss Warranty Act, prior resort tothe BBB AUTO LINE is not required by anyprovision of the Act.California Residents1. BMW OF NORTH AMERICA, LLC ("BMW")participates in BBB AUTO LINE, a mediation/arbitration program administered by theCouncil of Better Business Bureaus [4200Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, Virginia 22203]through local Better Business Bureaus. TheArbitration Certification Program of theCalifornia Department of Consumer Affairshas certified BBB AUTO LINE and BMW.2. If you have a problem arising under aBMW written warranty, we encourage you tobring it to our attention. If we are unable toresolve it, you may file a claim with BBBAUTO LINE. Claims must be filed with BBBAUTO LINE within six (6) months after theexpiration of the warranty.3. To file a claim with BBB AUTO LINE, call1-800-955-5100. There is no charge for thecall.4. In order to file a claim with BBB AUTOLINE, you will have to provide your nameand address, the brand name and vehicleidentification number (VIN) of your vehicle,and a statement of the nature of yourproblem or complaint. You will also be askedto provide: the approximate date of youracquisition of the vehicle, the vehicle's currentmileage, the approximate date and mileage atthe time any problem(s) were first brought tothe attention of BMW or one of our dealers,and a statement of the relief you are seeking.5. BBB AUTO LINE staff may try to helpresolve your dispute through mediation. Ifmediation is not successful, or if you do notwish to participate in mediation, claims withinthe program's jurisdiction may be presentedto an arbitrator at an informal hearing. Thearbitrator's decision should ordinarily beissued within 40 days from the time yourcomplaint is filed; there may be a delay of 7days if you did not first contact BMW aboutyour problem, or a delay of up to 30 days ifthe arbitrator requests an inspection/reportby an impartial technical expert or furtherinvestigation and report by BBB AUTO LINE.6. You are required to use BBB AUTO LINEbefore asserting in court any rights orremedies conferred by California Civil CodeSection 1793.22. You are not required to useBBB AUTO LINE before pursuing rights andremedies under any other state or federallaw. "You are also required to use BBB AUTOLINE before exercising rights or seekingremedies created by Title I of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, 15 U.S.C. sec. 2301 etseq. If you choose to seek redress bypursuing rights and remedies not created byCalifornia Civil Code Section 1793.22 or TitleI of the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, resortto BBB AUTO LINE is not required by thosestatutes."7. California Civil Code Section 1793.2(d)requires that, if BMW or its representative isunable to repair a new motor vehicle toconform to the vehicle's applicable expresswarranty after a reasonable number ofattempts, BMW may be required to replace orrepurchase the vehicle. California Civil CodeSection 1793.22(b) creates a presumptionthat BMW has had a reasonable number ofattempts to conform the vehicle to its appli-cable express warranties if, within 18 monthsfrom delivery to the buyer or 18,000 miles onthe vehicle's odometer, whichever occursfirst, one or more of the following occurs:23
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