Z4の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全53ページ 0.89MB]
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26From the information you provide, the BMWRoadside Assistance service representativewill determine the type of help required.Dispatch ServiceA service provider will be dispatched to thesite of your disabled vehicle.On-Site AssistanceOn-site service for vehicle disablements suchas flat tires, dead batteries, and out of fuelconditions is provided up to a maximum of$100.00 per incident by BMW RoadsideAssistance.The cost for parts and fuel, when used on-site,are the responsibility of the owner/driver. TheNew Vehicle Limited Warranty does not coverany of the above on-site services.Lock-OutFor security purposes, the driver will need toprove ownership by presenting properdocumentation, i.e., a valid drivers license,registration, etc. Lock-out service will beprovided up to a maximum of $100.00 perincident.Towing ServiceIn the event of a mechanical breakdownnormally covered under the New VehicleLimited Warranty, your vehicle will be trans-ported (at no cost) to the nearest authorizedBMW center. Your vehicle is also covered in theevent of an accident or collision.If a breakdown occurs after normal businesshours, your vehicle will be transported to asecure location and transported to the nearestauthorized BMW center on the next businessday.If you request that the vehicle be taken to alocation other than the nearest authorizedBMW center, any additional expense will beyour responsibility.However, you may request (at no cost) to betaken to a different BMW center as long as it iswithin 50 additional miles of the "nearest"BMW center.Towing requests for vehicles disabledbecause of casualty, fire, act of God, orviolation of law (federal, state or local) areaccepted at the expense of the owner/driver.If it is necessary for you to have your vehicletowed through your own arrangements, youmust contact BMW Roadside Assistance forprior authorization and instructions on claimprocedures. All claims must be submittedwithin sixty (60) days of the disablement oroccurrence, accompanied by the originalreceipts. Claims received after that time periodmay not be honored and are subject to the fulldiscretion of BMW Roadside Assistance. IfBMW Roadside Assistance is not contacted for"prior" authorization, the maximum coveragefor towing situations is $100.00.Sign-and-DriveIn most instances, services provided under theBMW Roadside Assistance Program do notrequire immediate payment.Usually, you will be able to sign a receipt, sothe provider of the service can be reimburseddirectly by BMW Roadside Assistance.Parts, materials and fuel should be paid byyou directly to the provider of the services.Auto Valet ServiceShould there be a need beyond BMWRoadside Assistance, Auto Valet will provide apersonal assistant who will help in every wayto get you to your final destination. Auto Valetwill help you locate a rental car or taxi agency,hotel or even help procure airline reservations.Services
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